Understanding Vapor Barriers & Their Benefits

A vapor barrier is a crucial part of the construction process. The main objective of the vapor barrier is to restrict moisture from entering the surface. It basically acts as a protective layer between the surface and the outside moisture. There are several practical applications of installing a vapor barrier in the building. From keeping the moisture away to enhancing the overall energy efficiency, a vapor barrier has several benefits. 

However, vapor barriers are often misinterpreted for air barriers. Keep in mind that air barriers are far different from a vapor barrier. The sole purpose of installing air barrier is to block airflow whereas a vapor barrier is meant to block moisture. 

There are different types of vapor barriers, manufactured by different industries. Stego 15 mil vapor barrier is among the top vapor barriers you can install in your house. The vapor barrier can be installed in the crawl space, walls, and ceiling as well. And, the most important part is vapor barrier installation is an extremely easy process. You can even do it on your own by simply using a couple of tools. 

How Does a Vapor Barrier Work?

A vapor barrier is usually designed using a high-quality polyethylene material that doesn’t allow moisture to seep in. When you install the vapor barrier, it becomes a barrier between the moisture and the surface it is installed on. As a result, the moisture stays away from the surface and doesn’t cause any damage. 

Keep in mind that if you don’t install a crawl space vapor barrier, there’s a huge risk for the building to get damaged. If the moisture enters the building, it can even develop mold and mildew. That’s why make sure to cover the entire crawl space and walls with stego wrap 10 mil vapor barrier. 

This will keep the moisture away from the surface, eventually protecting it from undergoing damage. You can visit Con-Dri, an online platform, to buy high-quality polyethylene vapor barriers for different applications.